"When your heart is set on something and you really want it and you take steps to achieve it, even if you don't know how or from where the resources will come,
will come in a way that'll surprise you. Whatever you do, go for quality and keep retraining yourself. You cannot tell who will come for your services".
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"We are now in the Joseph generation where anyone can go from prison to the palace in a moment.
Opportunities come from unlikely places therefore you must continue preparing yourself..
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"If you work hard, you will not need a godfather to succeed.
Your work will speak for you.
You are not alive if in this time and age, you cannot use computer packages like Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
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In preparing for greatness, we must know that being hardworking is not by manual labour or by cutting grasses from Elele to Isiokpo.
It is rather a function of having worthy mentors whose lifestyles you admire and copy or international figures whose stories inspire you to be better. It also means to work as if the President would be coming to inspect what you have done
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Anyone can rise from an uninteresting childhood to build the kind of future he or she desires. I was able to succeed in a field that only few ladies with godfathers and strong connections make it by trusting in my God and believing in myself.
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"The first thing you must do to give yourself a measure of confidence and pride at what you do is that you must be lettered enough to handle the job. The difference between someone who does his job well and someone who doesn't is education. You must know the job."
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"It is not bad to begin life as a confused person but what must not happen is for you to sacrifice your joy or purpose for a job that does not make you happy.
What guarantees Success are 3Ps- Passion Persistence and Patience. Never settle for less"
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" For you to be a master in any field, it means hours of practice on that thing. Don Odunze Jnr told me that if you can master 35 verses of scripture in any particular field, you will be a master in that area".
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"Don't brag about the little bread you have, remember someone owns a bakery. I used to sit in joints to enjoy beer with friends but today I think first of my poultry and the bags of feed that they'll need before I think of myself. The people that run the city don't make noise.
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